Description: “The finish line is located near the main building. The athletes will depart in an upward direction on a large route with some ups and downs, encouraging the positioning of the strongest cyclists. After the first bridge, the track turns to the finish line and here the athletes meet the first technical obstacles (drop, relevé, trunks), followed by the first steep ascent with a slope greater than 25%. On the top, they turn left for a new series of drops, followed by a false flat pedalling zone, then a new ascent and a technical descent (relevé and rock garden). A new steep ascent succeeds and then back to the finishing line zone, where there is a technical and food double zone, prior to a rhythmic zone. There is a new ascent, single tracks, a pedalling zone, rock gardens, jumps and drops until they reach a rock garden of 50m, prior to a new passageway through the technical and food zone. Afterwards, there is a passageway through a bridge with relevé, followed by a rhythmic section and finally entry on the final straight.”